Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Terra Nova

~ We all have a chance, We all have a choice, We just are too tired & too coward to take it. Because it’s not something to happen in a blink of an eye and most of the time we ‘Loose Faith’, ‘Loose Hope’ & eventually ‘Loose Ourselves’. ~

The new T.V. Series that has hit the T.V. screens Created By Kelly Marcel & Craig Silverstein, Presented Along By Steven Spielberg And Many Others.

The Show starts in the future dated 2149, though it carries some really advanced technology, The real focus is on how our earth has turned into a destroyed planet where even breathing the air around us could kill us.

It’s All dark nothing Blue, Green Or White can be seen everything around is Brown & Black. Everyone has to wear this pollution free mask to go out in the open air (And not many can afford it). To control the consumption of the left out air there are these population control patrol, where they take in count of every single person in a family and only a no. of people are allowed in a family or they are trying to stop from any more increase in the population, have to wait and see what exactly they are portraying if just come across the firs episode which is been divided into 2 parts, Genesis 1 & Genesis 2.  

To the turn of events the scientists discover a rift in space-time that allows people to travel 85 million years back in time to the late Cretaceous period of a prehistoric Earth where Dinosaurs lived and to man known knowledge is when it all started, but in an alternative timeline (thus avoiding paradoxes caused by reverse-flow time travel), offering a chance to save humanity, To try and restart again this time in the right way.

Although the story carries such a huge package it all starts & revolves around one The Shannon Family - father Jim, his wife Elisabeth, and their three children Josh, Maddy, and Zoe. The father Jim was a cop before he got arrested for having a 3rd child and the other reason being that he interfered the search of his house when the cop’s came t know that the family were having a 3rd child, the cops comes in and tears the their small home apart at last finding the child hiding in the air vent, seeing this Jim steps in and shouts to leaver her kid alone and throws a punch at the cop, thus landing him in prison.

The real story starts though after two years, the Mother Elisabeth comes to know they have been chosen to go to Terra Nova as she’s a doctor and could be a great help but the rule they broke of having a 3rd child stays as she has to leave the third child behind, it’s either that or no one goes at all. Once you’ve gone through the portal there’s no coming back, Out of desperation she plans out a break out for her husband and lay out a perfect plan hoping that he would escape. ‘watch the show for more on that’.

Now to the more interesting part (as for me) the claim here is Human’s have not handled their chance given wisely or correctly, so their plan and only other way out is to go back everything started for the mankind.

There are certain pointers I’d like to point:

  1. Time Portal: They never showed how they arrived with the process; one needs some solid evidence to be able to go into 85 Billion years back. They just can’t say and play a time portal and get on with it. It should be a little more precise. (if this was 10 years back I would have gone with it).
  2. When they go back into 85 Billion years where it is believed with a mere proof, the Dinosaurs period, those where the times the Mankind started and as we know it was also the most hostile time for mankind. So to be able to portrait that should be tricky & interesting.
  3. This could be a real head turner if they can bring out a right sketch on how Man appeared, if they fail to do that, than I’m afraid it would be another show with a twist and in my case it would be very disappointing. Cause I’m hoping they do more than just that.                                                                                                                        

“It’s Not about Doing Justice to a Random Story; It’s about Doing Justice to Our Story, Real Story’

  1. Time portal, Time travelling all this could be very tricky you never know what’s in store for us while you are playing with your Past, Present, & the Future. I’m really looking forward to on what they have to say on every history we ever crossed and where this story is gonna take us. What route if we had taken we could have prolonged even longer and better.

“Change Shouldn’t Be Forced Or Made Because Of Something, It Should Be Profound. That’s The Only Way You’ll Know That You Wont Go Back To Your Old State.”

  1. Thinking about coming face to face with a stone age man, I’mean if that’s the case here or they are trying a totally different approach, You know I’m not 100% fully down when it comes to taking on something that has been already done, like a new version of an old movie, it will be interesting in fresh colors but what’s the point & fun. But in this case they are going so much back in time not many new even existed. So it would be very interesting to see those “facts about our past” in action.
  2. The first episode has been divided into Genesis 1 & Genesis 2. You know as a fan and a critic they did not completely sell the concept to me, having said that it’s not an easy thing to do with so much to tell in so little time but that’s the whole point of T.V series, you can prolong or shorten it as much as you like the restrictions are limited compared to movies but the challenges are equally and at times more in T.V shows.
  3. The biggest reason I’m looking forward in this series is how truly Mankind will act if they are given a second chance based on our growth up until now.

With high hopes and long reasons, I wish all the very best for their success & I hope they do justice to our Humanity.

Take Care,

Cheer’s - A

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Writing Down The Age

Today we just pick up pen and paper and begin to write in which ever language is our forte! But have you given thought to how man has come so far from the time of the cave paintings and the cuneiform?

25000 B.C.

Cave painting were created by 'stone age' cave dwellers using stick, sharp stones and fingers. Since there was no alphabet, he drew pictures. Gradually, over the years, he worked out symbols and formed
letters as alphabets to represent sounds.

3,500 B.C.

Originating from Sumeria, 'Cuneiform' means 'wedged-shaped' becuase the inscropitions were made by pressing the tirangular tip of a reed or stick in to wet clay tablets. The wedge marks were combined into signs representing objects and ideas.

2,000 B.C.

The Egyptians used a form of stylised picture writing called hieroglyphics. There were sings for objects, ideas and sounds, including a basic alphabet of 24 signs that stood for seprate letters. They used paper pen, & Ink.

500 B.C.

The ancient greek were using alphabet very much like our present einglish alphabet. The word 'alphabet' comes from the first and second greek letter 'alpha' and 'beta'. developed from the phoenician writing system, the greek alphabet added signs for vowels because the phoenician alphabet contained only consonants.

100 B.C.

Greece was conquered by the romans who took over the greek alphabet and changed the shape of letters. The Romans used square capital letters for carving stone inscriptions, and more rounded letters for writing in papyrus, wax or lead tablets and parchment.

1200 A.D.

After the Roman Empire collapsed in the 5th cenutry A.D., monasteries preserved the art of writing in scriptoriums where manuscripts were copied, decorated and bound into books. A beautiful style of writing was developed in France, called 'Carolignian' scripy in honour of the Emperor Charlemagne. This was followed by the development of the 'Gothic' tyle.

1500 A.D.

A group of Italian scholars decided that Gothic was difficult to read so they developed a new script based on the earlier Carolinian hand. This style soon became popular all over Europe. Even today we still can styles like this 'Italic' because they came from Italy.

1900 A.D.
Calligraphy is the art of writing beautifully and it has often been transformed into works of art in Arabic, Chinese and Japanese cultures. Around the beginning of the 20th century a group of people in England decided to improve people's handwriting and Italic styles were revived.


We write with an alphabet that's simple and scalablt, producing complex words. We write on paper, nylon, and a whole lot of myraid material including our computers.

Writing has come a long way.

So much so that, it's a though that we may be going back to the basics in using graphic to represent most of what we want to say! ~ Caveman Style ~

Sunday, September 11, 2011

World Is Our's !

I Won't Die Untill I See My World..,

I Will Never Give Up..,
I Will Never Fall For Anything..,
I Will Cross Every Hurdle's Coming My Way..,
I Will Duck Every Stone's Thrown At Me..,
I WIll Never Stop Fighting Till I Get My Spot..,

Spot Where I Think Where I Will Unleash My Full Will To The World..,
Spot That No Soul Has Dreamt Of..,
Spot That Change The Change's..,
Spot Where I Should Be There For All And SHould Be There For One..,

Never Back On What I Do..,
Never Do Anything To Be Backed Up On , Later..,
Never Say Never ! Again..,

Yes Will Be My Keen Prority..,
Yes Will Be What I Should Do..,

What I Should Say, Or What Should I Do.,
To Obtain Thee Spot..,

To Become Thee One..,
To Become Unvincible..,
To Say .., To Do .., To Bare..,

The King..,

The Begining...

Live Another Day

It All Started When No One Saw It ..
It Came In Hard, Against Our Hope's Shattered..
No One Knew How To Act,
Cause No One Knew On What To React ..

The Dying Hopes Of Our Survival..
Those Who Are Trying To Survive ..
It All Happened So Fast ..
We Ended Up Seeing Nothing Lasts ..

Not Knowing What To Do..
Where To Run ..
Closed My Eyes .. ~_~
And Called To Pray..

I Prayed To Him For Another Chance,
To Live To See Another Day..

But I Heard Him Say,
It's Not That Way ..
You Need To Prove..
To Live Another Day..

So I Asked What To Do ,
To Prove To Live Another Day..
He Says !
Prove Your Human, I'll Take You In.. A Another Day.

. Prove ~ Nothing More ~ Just Be Human ~ .

My Mom Is Pride ~

Mother... Mother… Mother… I Don’t Have Another…
Mother... Mother… Mother… I Don’t Have Another…
To Chase Me To The Corner…
While I Act Meaner.

Mother... Mother… Mother… I Don’t Have Another…
Who Knows Me Better,
As You Do My Mother.

Mother... Mother… Mother… I Don’t Want Another…
Cause You Are The Other Whom I Want To Bother,
While Brother Is Another.

As I Was Saying To The World,
That You Are My Mother,
With A Heart Greater & Wiser Than Ever…
To Love & Care Moreover,

I’ll Always Love & Adore You Forever…
Even If It’s To Cross The See To Never…
Cause You Are A Little Hard To Read Among Others,
But That’s What I Like About You,
We Never Know Where You Are Going To, On What You Say,
But You’ll Always End Up Saying Things As “A Prayer Say”.

You Have Always Known On What To Say ‘At My Desire’…
While I Fight And Argue About Things In Me ‘On Fire’.

So If Anyone Asks Me On What Is The One Thing That I Don’t Want To
Change In A 100 Years,
As My Doubt Unfolds I Would Say It’s You My Mother,
To Be Our Mother For Another Million Years.
As This Moment Unfolds I Would In Love To Say
That You Are Undoubtedly A Divine Of A True Spirit…
To Which We Are Entitled As Your Beloved Child As Is It.

So…Mother... Mother… Mother… I Don’t Have Another…
To Chase Me To The Corner…
While I Act Meaner.

Mother... Mother… Mother… I Don’t Have Another…
Who Knows Me Better,
As You Do My Mother.

Mother... Mother… Mother… I Don’t Want Another


Life Is Filled In Gardens With Flowers, 
A Name You Have Which Stands Out In Heavens.. 

The Color You Bring In Other's Life, 
Shall Shine Through You To The Sky High..

I Hope A Day Will Come To Pick Your Brain's,
That Is In Peron If I Still Am In Sain..

I hope You Forgive The Things Had Done, 
For Which The Say Goes Those Times Are Gone.. 

By This Time I Hope There's A Smile On your Face, 
If Not I Shall Walk A Mile And See You Chase. 

Inner Glow


A Pain In The Ass I Shall Be Of Course 
That Shall Change With The Way Stay's On Course..
You Callin My Name Through A Voice With Hate, 
I Shall Bow Down And Leave It All To Fate.

It's Been A Lovely Journey For One 
But That's Not Alone I'm Here It' More Than None
But I Couldn't Make Any Dent 
For Which I've Been Told I'm Too Far Over Sung!..
Well I Must Agree It's Not Been A Heck Of A Ride Till This Fall 
But That's What I Learned To Face All Through Thick After All
I Kinda Sensed It A While Back 
But Wasn't On The Right Frame Of Mind & Now I've Been Set Back
I'll Bow Down And Change My Way And Be It
Hence I'll Leave You All To It..

~~ End Of Road ~~

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

World Through My Eyes

World: Wow a 5 letter word but it's bigger, much bigger.. much much bigger than that. Life, death, birth, good, bad, divine, evil, beforelife, afterlife, born baby, young kid, a teen, middle age, old, very old, wrinkles, white hair, black hair, blonde, white, black, pale, tan, big, small, short, tall, large, extra large, medium, plant's, trees, animals, birds, mother, father, son , daughter, sky, water, fire, land, about now you all be thinking OK this is getting a little too old, well! maybe that's why stopped seeing things they way it is.. I don't know if i'm right or wrong if i'm wrong another life gone by but what if i'm right what if we did fail to see the things in the way they are.

Here i'll try and put the words in a way to see and feel the things in the way they are, for us to or for me to understand "what & why is life"..

The first thing that hits me every single time.. Is "TIME" how it works. A Single' minute passed by i a single minute lost, so are we losing something is it good or bad! it may seem .. or it seems baseless but if you think of it something we loose as precious as time is one say! should be bad right!

But than again can we use it to a better and prove it wasn't really a waste of time, That's what is happening right now! the experienced say we should not waste time on something that it seem not worth for! they are stating it with concern to us but how do we really know it's not worth of time until we have seen the result of it!


Job, obligations, help, and so on .. everything we do for us (seems mostly) and some for others, when it comes to others it comes under the sense of doing something for others as looking down on them & when it comes to us, somehow it seems there's no other go than doing it for our survival.. Is it right! 

I've no idea! 

But i do have an opinion! 


I Thought ~ (An Illusion)

I Think Of Thinking Something, I End Up Thinking On What To Think! I’m Not Sure I’m Thinking Right… (Right) ~_^.

(Let’s Hope Not) But I’m Sure I’ll Think Of Something ;).

But Honestly I Can’t Think Of Anything As Of Now. Maybe That’s How It Is, When You Think To Think Something You Cant Think Anything And When Your Not Thinking Of Anything You End Up Thinking On Something…

If This Is Confusing,

Well! Then Think Again : D .. .

Moral Of This Story … (Thinking ~_^)

When You Think To Think An Unthinkable Thought You Won’t & Can’t Think Of Anything But When You Don’t Think Of Anything You End Up Thinking Again.

So Hopefully By The Time You’ Are Reading This You’ll Think Through To Think Again.

I Think!

Bon Voyage

Pray Just Pray

It all started when no one saw it ...
It came in hard, against our hope's shattered...

No one knew how to act,
Cause no one knew on' what to react...

The dying hopes of our survival...
Those who are trying to survive...

It all happened so fast ...
We ended up seeing nothing lasts ...

Not knowing what to do...
Where to run...
Closed my eyes .. ~_~

And called to pray...

I Prayed to him for another chance,
To live to see another day...

But I heard him say,
It's not that way...
Here I remind on what's the play!

You need to prove....

To live another day...
So I asked what to do..,
To prove to live another day..

He Says!!

Prove your human, I'll take you In.
. Another Day.

Prove ~ Nothing More ~ Just Be Human ~ .

If U Feel This Could Do Something ~ Just A Little Bit More ~ Please Share This Blog To All Your Friends ~

Passage II

With God By My Side I Make My Way,

Crossing The Hurdles, Easing At Pain & Saying Hey!..

To The People I See.. Feel.. To Show The Love,

Without Wanting To Know On Why Or How..

It's Confusing At Time's To Know Who You Are,

But You See That Kept Changing As I Reduced My Fear ~ Bar..

You & Me Is The Very Words I Live By,

God Please Help Me Through This Phase I Mean By ..

I Thrive To Learn, To Know & To Do What's True,

But I Meet This Point Which Stops Me From Who?..

It's Me I See In Front Of Me,

With Rage In Stage & Acting Free..

I'm Comming To My Senses Of What Is To Be Done,

To Walk Right Through, & Let The Rest Be Sung..

15th of August 1947

100 odd/even years filled with pain, struggle & fight,

Made us waniting even more of what was rightly ours insight..

The grueling journey of road to freedom,

Still seems to continue with people fail to feel them..

It's a shame to make those fighters effort go in vain,

I hope and write that will change in gods name..

Many say we got our freedom when we faught and won,

But we still have to fight for our safety with stones & gun..s..

We skip the talk of knowing whats happening around us,

Leaving us to fight in dark not knowing the goodness..

Humanity starts when we see another as our own brother,

Knowledge stats not to fight with our very other.. ( To Be Continued )

Passage I

I'll fight hard & hard to know my strength,
It's a shame to see me fail, fail in length..

I know there's a time i'll get to go,
Through chances and blessings I'll come to know...

It' is fates aim to push me through,
Than i shall stride and glide my way in cool...

Life' in term is Black n White,
If you can't look pass that breezy light...

I'll hope to learn against my savage,
To find that door that leads me to the right passage.