Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Thought ~ (An Illusion)

I Think Of Thinking Something, I End Up Thinking On What To Think! I’m Not Sure I’m Thinking Right… (Right) ~_^.

(Let’s Hope Not) But I’m Sure I’ll Think Of Something ;).

But Honestly I Can’t Think Of Anything As Of Now. Maybe That’s How It Is, When You Think To Think Something You Cant Think Anything And When Your Not Thinking Of Anything You End Up Thinking On Something…

If This Is Confusing,

Well! Then Think Again : D .. .

Moral Of This Story … (Thinking ~_^)

When You Think To Think An Unthinkable Thought You Won’t & Can’t Think Of Anything But When You Don’t Think Of Anything You End Up Thinking Again.

So Hopefully By The Time You’ Are Reading This You’ll Think Through To Think Again.

I Think!

Bon Voyage


  1. i agree.. when I want to think about something I can't settle my mind in it.. but when I'm thinking nothing.. I'm thinking something.. :)
    nice one..
    cheers!! and congratulations for ur blog..

  2. : ) Actually When I Started To Think I'mean Intentionally ( It Had To Start Somehow ) It Formed A Different Perspective In Me I Started To View Myself From A Third Angle And Everytime I Do Something In Everything I Look Myself From Out Of Me.. Like Going Out My Body You Mind Wise & Look Onto Myself & That' When I Came Across That WE Can't Think When We Needed To Or Try To And So On! Perspective Has Helped Me In Many Ways I Hope To Create Something That Everyone Can Channel The Process.. Well! Maybe A Little Less Tough Route. & Thank You For You Kind Words : ) <3
